Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Pozo and Fuerte video

Here it is! We didn't quite get the jumping conditions in Fuerte we hoped for, in fact a lack of powered up sessions, hence less footage and more Go Pro stuff. Anyway I hope you enjoy it!

MPORA Action Sports >>

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Back home and a damaged foot...

So I am back home now after finally an amazing day sailing Lajas. Our last day we managed to sail about 3 hours in the morning with logo to mast sets rolling in and 4.2 to 3.4 weather cross offshore. Finally Lajas worked so that some of the waves came into the bay and you could get up to 8 or 9 turns on the wave! Unfortunately we had to leave early to get to the airport, but not before a keen few photos being taken-where I managed to crash an aerial and twist my right foot in the footstrap pretty bad. Its not as bad as I did my left foot a year ago but has still swollen up pretty bad-I hope it doesn't take ages to heal!
Anyway after a rather marginal Fuerte trip with not that many waves, and hardly any jumping as we wanted, this day made our trip and we went home happy (and limping..!). Here are the last of the photos, I will be getting a video out soon of Pozo and Fuerte combined.

Photos taken on the smaller waves in the bay as the break was too far away:

Elephant foot!

Stef playing on the inside:

Monday, 1 August 2011

Wind is back!

After waiting about a week with no wind and not too much swell, the wind is finally back! Punta Blanca picks up wind swell pretty well so even though there isn't much about we have had some head to logo sessions, nothing too big yet! We had a good overpowered session the other evening on 4.7 where the wind blew in from nowhere. It was great until the tide forced us to come in unless we wanted urchin spines over our feet and bashed fins! I had another session at Punta doing some loops and trying backloops, so I am keen for a good session today to get them better! Yesterday we sailed the reef break again but the swell was too small for it to work and I was so stacked on 4.7 I couldn't have wave ridden if I'd wanted to! I practised vulcans and downwind 360s, vulcans aren't easy on a 68l board, it sinks immediately on sliding!

Punta Blanca:

Learning Backloops:

Downwind 360:

Trying to vulcan my 68l:

Very overpowered bottom turn on the tiny waves!